Starting from the entrance to the mode of Western Australia, through television, film, and other information sources. "Formerly, in the era of my youth, color ink for the tattoo is only black or blue. Now more varied, with more sophisticated equipment. Menato body also does not sesakit first. This can cause a number of the many tattoo fans," said Kusnaka. According to him, tattoos do not show a specific character, but the fun and marvel at the art itself. Usually tattoo popularity among the young, especially the punk community. "The society is loosely or including an easy to accept the changes," he said. Note the needle
According to Sonny Sondari, enterprising doctors who give counseling on HIV / AIDS, for the needle is not sterile menato the media can become infected by HIV virus. Peluang virus infection that can lead to AIDS from the syringe and tattoos around 0.3 percent. "Therefore, people who want to be sure the body menato correct needle that will be sterile. Use a new needle or use. Or, use a needle that has been disterilisasi," said Sonny. Consumers, he said, have the right to ask needle sterility problem that will be used for the HIV virus can stick in the needle used HIV. Akan virus into the body of another person if the t
But every man is unique, the distance between the epidermis and blood vessel-between different individuals. And the tattoo parlor should be supervised by a particular institution, "said Sonny. Maraknya studios and tattoo artists in the street on one side raises concerns about aspects of higienitasnya. Wandy (25), tattoo artist (artist), stated at this time consumers have been very critical. Almost each potential customer who asks for a visit higienitas process of making tattoos. "In the studio, as here, injector needle, tube, and inkap (close) ink for the goods once. Despite remaining, remains removed. Soalnya, the remnants of blood was still on the needle stick maupu tube. Do not contagious diseases to consumers, especially hepatitis, "Wandy said. Senada Comments expressed Soni, artist's studio Angel Ball. According to him, during the injection (tattooing), 60 percent focused on the stage rather than hygienic aspects of the art. Higienitas For support, use of glove hands, mask, and closed the room is important.
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